Data Protection Compliance Road Map Blog Series 1.0
Data Protection Compliance in Kenya:
Registration Process with the Government
South-End Tech Limited has successfully supported Dalberg Research in registration as a Data
Controller with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) in Kenya. On Friday, February
10th, 2023, South-End Tech Limited presented a certificate of registration as a Data Controller in Kenya
to Dalberg Research.
The certificate is valid for two (2) years, and the law requires Dalberg Research as the Data Controller to
institute organizational and technical safeguards to protect personal data.
Registration with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) is the first step toward the
compliance journey under the Data Protection Act 2019. By registering with the Data Commissioner,
data controllers and processors demonstrate their commitment to data protection and compliance with
the legal requirements in Section 18 of the Data Protection Act 2019 and Data Protection (Registration of
Data Controllers and Data Processors) Regulations 2021.
Our simple guide to registering your entity
with the ODPC is as follows:
Once registered as a data controller or processor, the
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC)
requires your entity to display the certificate in a
conspicuous place (website included). The certificate
is valid for two years. Each registered entity is
required to renew the certificate of registration thirty
(30) days before expiry.
South-End Tech Limited understands that data
protection is critical for your business. We are
commited to providing you with the highest
support and expertise. Our team of experts has the
necessary skills and knowledge to guide you
through the registration process just like Dalberg
Research. We will support you to ensure that your
organization is fully compliant with the Data
Protection Act, 2019
Dalberg Research is a full-service premier research
agency answering questions about markets,
consumers, and lifestyles across more than twenty
(20) African countries.
- Mr. Derrick from South-End Tech Limited
presented the Certificate to Ms. Clare Kwedho,
Dalberg Research. - Derrick, Njoki & Austin (DNA) South-End
Tech TEAM all smiles after the presentation. - South-End Tech DNA TEAM strategizing on
the next steps with Dalberg Research TEAM. - Dalberg Research TEAM and South-End Tech
Project Team Poses with the Certificate.